Consent Form For Personal Training With Derry BrownPlease read the form carefully and complete it in order to work with me. Name * First Name Last Name Date of birth * MM DD YYYY Do you have any health conditions I should be aware of? * Do you take any regular medications? * I have read the physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR Q) and confirm that I have answered no to all of the questions and it is safe for me to participate in exercise. (PAR Q linked below this form for reference). * Agree By signing this form you understand that Derry Brown is a HCPC registered physiotherapist. Any advice given should not replace the advice of a Doctor. Always consult your doctor on matters regarding your health. I also agree to Update Derry if any changes to my health occur. Agree Thank you, I look forward to working with you! FIND PARQ HERE (click blue text for link)