What Is Self Confidence Worth To You?
Before you start reading this, I would like you to ask yourself a quick question. Does your body bring you happiness?
For now lets put aside obvious conditions/illnesses that come from being unhealthy or overweight. Being unhappy with your body is not imminently life threatening, meaning that changing it is easy to put off.
So why do people avoid addressing their health and fitness?
The answer to this question is obviously very personal, and its something I discuss with my clients to ensure it doesn’t stop them from achieving their goals.
Here are a few of the main reasons that come up:
Hard work, requiring sacrifice
Changing your diet, exercise regime or physique aren’t easy. With the right education and support they are absolutely possible. However, you have to be ready to make those commitments to lifestyle change. While consistency is key in diet and exercise to get results, breaks from them are also important. This is something I ensure to include in my clients programmes to make sure they can stick to it. Flexibility is key to sustainability.
Fear of failure
We can sometimes feel that if we don’t start something we cant fail at it. Whereas, in reality the only way to truly fail at something is to never try. You may not achieve all of your goals the first time you try but this isn’t wasted time. You learn. You learn about your body, you learn what you like and what you don’t like and you will use this information the next time you try to increase your chance of success.
I don’t love myself, I don’t feel that I am worthy of investing in myself
Self love is at the centre of my coaching. In a previous blog I talked about the importance of exercising and dieting from a place of self love. I think the first step on this positive path is realising that you are worthy. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of change and you are worthy of investing in yourself to bring this change about.
So what can I suggest to help with self confidence
Recognise body image is heavily influenced by society and media. Your idea of the perfect body was given to you, you didn’t ask for it and it likely doesn’t represent who you are.
In my experience body image is a constantly moving goal. However, learning that I could change my body with diet and exercise empowered me.
Pick exercise you enjoy. You will feel more confident doing it and you are more likely to stick to it.
As I get older I recognise the importance of good health and that being lean doesn’t necessarily mean healthy.
It is possible to learn to love your body. Find a teacher who wants to help you do this.
Brighton based specialist musculoskeletal physiotherapist and online fitness coach